Project: Various

  • HomeProject: Various

Graphic's, Illustration & Promotions

How cohesive design strategies across print and digital media make you stand out from the crowd:

There are a few key things that really set a company apart when it comes to cohesive design strategies across print and digital media. First, using a consistent typeface or set of typefaces across all platforms gives a unified look and feel that customers will recognize and appreciate. Additionally, using the same color palette across all media helps to create a strong brand identity. Finally, consistent layout and design principles will help keep your messaging on track, no matter where it appears. By implementing these three strategies, you can create a seamless user experience for your customers, making your business stand out from the competition.

Project Information

Project Name: Various

Project Category: Design/Development

Clients:IABA / University of Cyprus

Penguin Books Competition

Wood Wizards, Cyprus

Skills: HTML5, Adobe Suite

Mixed/Traditional Media